Standard Model for EGING
Many factors are needed always for Eging rods. For, example, "lightness", "balance", "sensitivity"and "strength". "Lightness" and good "balance" of rods don't make anglers tired even if they continue jerking for a whole day. "Strength" receives hard jerks and make wider actions to Egi lures. "Semsitivity" transmits the information of bottom and let anglers feel approaches of squids clearly. The theory of rod building is ambivalent but Eging rods must have every factors in high level. We made this difficult mixture true thanks to a lot of tests by our field staffs and the factory's technology. This is "EGIST SSD”.
Compared with the last model "SSD L-EGING", the strength increased and can be used with harder jerking. And the flexible blank bends depending on loads so that anglers can cast easily and won't miss squids because of breakage of soft squid's body. At the same time, we keep the lightness. The total balance that comes from selected materials and simple components at grip section exists in this rod.